Friday, March 20, 2009


It's really insulting.

Really insulting that insipid, girl-mouthed Edward Cullen should be taken as the epitome of vampiredom. A vampire who's skin "shines like diamonds" in sunlight.

If I had blood, it would curdle.

My name is Susie Bloodimir and I come from a time when Bellona was still a Roman goddess. Now Belladona is called a myth. Like earlier they called flying, walking on the moon, heart transplants and jet packs myths or impossibilities... Despite them being proven wrong time and again, human beings never seem to learn.

Humans also call vampires a myth. Yet here I am, a sentient being, someone you would call a vampire. I am one of the few of my kind left. The kind of vampire that you don't read about in books or see on television or in movies . Not the kind of vampire that is made.

I was born a vampire.

I am the last of my family... but I know there are other birth vampires. Those whose parents were vampires as well and those who were born after 12-months of gestation.

I am looking for Him. The one who can be my mate. The one who will help me bring another birth vampire to this world. As I chronicle my thoughts and desires in this space, I hope someday, He will read them and find me....

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